Anthology of Touches continued…

We are really pleased to be recipients of the Hull Dance Participants’ Choice Award and able to return to Hull and explore what next with Anthology of Touches.

During our previous residency in Hull, we started the week with workshops focused on the sensitive exploration of touch through movement. Subsequently, we engaged in creative discussions to delve into specific memories related to the sense of touch.

There were some delicious themes that began to emerge from our conversations with participants: hugs, family, pets, hair, public transport and mistaken identity were amongst them. Having these conversations early in the process, was really informative in helping us craft a duet to share at the end of the week…which was attended by an audience distinct from those who had attended the earlier workshops (other than a single person who experienced both!).

Having noticed this disconnect between those involved with the making and those who watched the performance we are keen to look at a different model so when we return this year, we have formatted our week slightly differently – we are offering an open workshop and performance sharing on the morning of Saturday 22nd February which falls at the end of our residency.  We hope that extending this invitation will enable anyone interested in connecting with us to experience the doing of the movement, the feeding into discussion, and the seeing of how this translates into a performance. Or as they say at Hull Dance Make Dance, Watch Dance and Talk Dance.

Since Luke and I are both creating and performing in Anthology of Touches, we have asked Fiona Millward to join us for two days of our residency. Fiona will support us in the dance space to help grow the work, being able to witness and delve into how the choreography lands with an observer. We are hoping that Fiona’s influence will help us to find more nuance in our moving and touch interactions with the floor, space, and each other… and to consider the questions we pose and language we use when talking about memories of touch, to add more richness and depth in conversation.

Throughout the week, Monday 17th – Friday 21st February, we will open our morning class to local professional dancers or advanced movers from 10.00am -11.15am. If you are a local dancer or movement artist in Hull or nearby, do drop in the Hull Dance Flourish Centre, Francis Street, Hull. HU2 8DT – we would love to connect through some studio time to train together and gather collectively.

Effie McGuire Ward
February 2025